On Sunday I applied for 2 part time jobs over in Brigham. One was for a math tutor and one was teaching English/English tutor. I hadn't heard anything and just figured big surprise. Today though, I got a phone call from the person looking to hire the English tutor. She told me that her supervisor had gone over my resume and that it looked like I'd be the perfect fit for the job. It's part time and the hours are basically whenever the students don't have to work. The students are a husband and a wife. Her schedule varies but he doesn't get off work until around 5 or so. They'd pay me $10/hr. so if I can keep it so that I just have Caleb in daycare, it shouldn't cost me too much to accept this job. I for sure don't want to be making more than 1 trip a day over to Brigham, but it sounds like they're pretty flexible, so I think it will be ok.
The only hang up is that I have to provide all the curriculum. Great. Good thing I've taught English to a bunch of Spanish only speakers before!
Despite the providing of my own curriculum, I think I will like this job. And, as long as I don't make more than 30% of my weekly unemployment amount or work 40 hours, I should be able to still get unemployment.
I'm suppose to meet them tomorrow at the Brigham library, so, we'll see how it goes!
Good luck. I hope it goes well.
This sounds promising - I hope it works out! :)
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