Monday, February 20, 2017

Sam turns 14!

I had a lunch date and shopping planning with my two best friends for Friday, February 18.  Sam didn't want to be left home with her dad and the other kids so she asked if she could come along.  I relented and she brought Jade along as well.  We had a fun day of shopping with the girls and lunch.  Afterwards, we went to see the Lego Batman movie.  Everyone had to wear their new Batman shirts!

For her cake this year she sent my MANY Pinterest options.  The themes were random but totally her (New York, Batman, Unicorns & Dance).  I finally mashed together unicorns & dance and she was a happy camper about it.

She was thrilled to add two new unicorns to her ever growing unicorns herd.

I couldn't pass this shirt up when I saw it.  It says " a sport, only harder"

Bradshaw's got her a Batman coin bank.  She was ridiculously excited about this.

Leave it to Grandma Terri to find her some awesome new cat socks!

And, Grandma Terri got her her new doll (only 2 more and a graduation & wedding one left in Sam's collection!)

I can't believe she's this old (or maybe that I'm this old).  However, I will say I seriously CANNOT wait for her to get her driver's license so she can drive herself to dance class!  I will FINALLY get my life back!  She started competitive dance in second grade!  Not only can she drive herself, she can drive her sister!  Whoot, whoot!

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