There has been ONE (healthy) adult at our house
FOUR sick children
SEVEN trips to dr.'s offices
ONE official diagnosis of Influenza
ONE official diagnosis of croup
ONE official diagnosis of a left ear infection
ONE official diagnosis of a sinus infection
ONE unofficial diagnosis of croup
TWO unofficial diagnosises of Influenza
FOUR prescriptions
THIRTEEN missed school days for three kids
ONE missed dance class
TWO missed piano lessons
ONE near trip to the ER with Nash because of his croup
ONE near trip to the ER with Caleb because of his croup
TWO AND A HALF missed school days for mom (doesn't count how many groups of kids I missed, just full days)
TWO restockings of Advil/Motril/Tylenol/Delsym
ONE day at daycare for Caleb & Brooke
I'm seriously looking forward to their dad coming home this weekend!
Update (Saturday - still well within my 2 weeks of when Travis left)
Today I got the news that:
1-My external hard drive is dead.
2-My kindle had to be reset to factory defaults (at least it wasn't dead dead).
3-Travis's truck STARTED ON FIRE. Seriously. Not. Even. Joking. At least he made it to USU before he couldn't go any further.