1-Everything I do is done with the best intentions of my children in mind.
2-I transport (& support) my kids to soccer, t-ball, baseball, and dance practices/games/recitals.
3-I set boundaries for my kids and enforce them.
4-I have high expectations for my children & I help them meet them.
5-I allow my kids to have their own opinion even though I might disagree with it.
6-When I ask my kids how their day was or what they did that day, I actually listen to the answer & follow up with questions.
7-I tell my kids "I love you" every day and I mean it.
8-I don't do the things I tell my kids not to do (most of the time :) )
9-I am involved in my child's education.
10-We have sit down family dinners as often as we can.
11-I am teaching my kids skills that are becoming a thing of the past (sewing, canning, gardening, etc.)
12-We have recently begun teaching our kids about money and responsibility by starting allowance and chores.
13-When my kids tell me they did something, I check to make sure they did. If they didn't, we talk about lying and why it's wrong.
14-I discipline my children when appropriate.
15-I'm teaching my children that family is the most important thing you have.
16-I don't smoke, drink or do drugs before, during or after my pregnancies.
17-I'm teaching my children about tolerance and diversity.
18-I'm instilling a good sense of self in each of my children each time I encourage them to do something on their own.