Wednesday, October 31, 2012

We carve pumpkins

We managed to carve our pumpkins while Travis was home.  Sam nearly lost it when her dad smeared pumpkin guts on her.  She's SUCH a girl!  I have no idea where it comes from either!

My girlfriend & her 3 boys came down & joined the pumpkin gut fun with us.

You never know how these two are going to be with each other.  Lucky for us moms they were nice to each other this time! :)

"Look at all the pumpkin guts on my hands mom!"

Sister wasn't quite sure what to think about all this craziness!

Drawing faces on the pumpkins before we carve them.

Actually carving the faces out.

Finished products!

1 comment:

Tannie Datwyler said...

Looks like a party!! Those pumpkins are fun.